About Driftpile Cree Nation
Driftpile Cree Nation (DCN) is located 66km west of Slave Lake and has one reserve No. 150 encompassing 6,354.8 hectares (Metis Settlements and First Nations in Alberta, 2014, p.27). The reserve was first surveyed in 1901 for Chief Kinoosayoo, Councillor Wechewais and their immediate followers. DCN belongs to the Algonquian Cree linguistic group (Ibid).
At present, Driftpile First Nation is looking towards building its tourism infrastructure (Eco Plan, “DFN Tourism”). Recently the community underwent a tourism market assessment and opportunity analysis (Ibid). The evaluation executed by EcoPlan identified tourism prospects with potentials to create jobs, revenues, and areas for continued community capacity development (Ibid).
Contact Information: Driftpile First Nation, General Delivery, Driftpile, Alberta T0G0V0
Phone: 780.355.3868 Fax: 780.355.3650
Website: www.driftpilecreenation.com
About Kapawe’no First Nation
Kapawe’no First Nation is located 30 km northeast of High Prairie with six reserves: 150B, 150C, 150D, 229, 230 and 231 totaling a land base of 1,562.7 hectares (Metis Settlements and First Nations in Alberta, 2014, p.36). These reserves are located near the town of Grouard. Kapawe’no First Nation belongs to the Algonquian Cree linguistic group (Ibid).
Kapawe’no has been developing their local economy by developing their tourism sector. The Narrows Cultural Resort, found on the northern shore of Lesser Slave Lake, has hosted a successful Treaty 6, 7 and 8 Seventh Generation Elders’ Gathering in August 2001 (“Kapawe’no First Nation”). The resort offers a wide range of activities such as canoeing, wildlife viewing, kayaking, meat and fish drying.
Contact Information: P.O. Box 10, Grouard, Alberta T0G 1C0
Phone: 780-355-3868 Fax: 780-355-3650
Website: www.kapaweno.ca
About Sawridge First Nation
Sawridge First Nation is located 250km north of Edmonton and has two reserves 150G and 150H with a total land base of 2,143.3 hectares (Metis Settlements and First Nations in Alberta, 2014, p.50). Reserves 150G and 150H were surveyed for followers of Councillor Charles Nesootasis (Twinn) at the east end of Slave Lake. Sawridge First Nation is part of the Algonquian Cree language group (Ibid).
For 42 years, Sawridge First Nation has been involved in the hospitality sector (Sawridge Inn, 2013). Their first enterprise was the construction of a hotel in the Slave Lake town centre, The Sawridge Inn & Suites. Since then they have expanded. Currently the company also owns hotels in Edmonton, Peace River and Fort McMurray.
Contact Information: P.O. Box 326, Slave Lake, Alberta T0G 2A0
Phone: 780-849-4331 Fax: 780-849-3446
Website: www.sawridgefirstnation.com
About Sturgeon Lake Cree First Nation
Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation is located 20km west of Valleyview with three reserves: 154, 154A, and 154B encompassing a total land base of 15,664.5 hectares (Metis Settlements and First Nations in Alberta, 2014, p.55). Headman Capitan was the original signatory to Treaty No. 8 for the Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation. Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation belongs to the Algonquian Cree language group (ibid).
Contact Information: P.O. Box 757, Valleyview, Alberta T0H 3N0
Phone: 780-524-3307 Fax: 780-524-2711
Website: www.sturgeonlake.ca
About Sucker Creek First Nation
The Sucker Creek First Nation is located 22km east of High Prairie and has one reserve 150A with a total land base of 5,987.0 hectares (Metis Settlements and First Nations in Alberta, 2014, p.56). The reserve was first surveyed in 1901 for Councillor Moostoos and his followers at the west end of Lesser Slave Lake, south of Buffalo Bay. Sucker Creek First Nation belongs to Algonquian Cree language group (Ibid).
Contact Information: P.O. Box 65, Enilda, Alberta T0G 0W0
Phone: 780-523-4426 Fax: 780-523-3111
Website: www.scfn.biz
About Swan River First Nation
The Swan River First Nation has two reserves – No. 150F at Assineau River and No. 150E at Swan River. The latter is the main reserve, located approximately 50 kilometers west from the Town of Slave Lake just off of Highway 2, next to the hamlet of Kinuso, Alberta (“Swan River First Nation”). Swan River First Nation is part of Algonquian Cree linguistic group (Ibid). Felix Giroux, the Swan River First Nation’s signatory to Treaty 8 in 1899, served as headman for the Swan River First Nation from 1899-1927 (“Swan River First Nation”).
The Swan River First Nation owns Wapsewsipi Enterprise, which was established to develop contract opportunities for the members of the Swan River First Nation (“Wapsewsipi Enterprises Ltd. Corporate Profile”). The company carries out an array of services including road construction, logging, power line right of way and road maintenance, among other services (Ibid).
Contact Information: P.O. Box 270, Kinuso, Alberta T0G 1K0
Phone: 780-775-3536 Fax: 780-775-3796
Website: www.swanriverfirstnation.org