Who We Are

About Us

The LSLIRC-TARR program is a non-political technical service delivery program providing professional Specific Claims research  and writing services to client Nations. Our program operates under the auspices of the Lesser Slave Lake Indian Regional Council (LSLIRC) and under the direction of the LSLIRC-TARR Program Director and Research Manager. Our mandate is to employ professional researchers to investigate and document potential Specific Claims upon request from the Chiefs and Councillors of First Nations that are clients of the TARR program.

To facilitate and support research services, the TARR program also maintains an extensive Archives of historical documents and oral history, as well as a small Library. Over the years the Archives has expanded to serve as the collective memory of the LSLIRC-TARR program client Nations to assist preserve their historical legacy.

Contact Us

For further information, or if your community is interested in joining the TARR program, please contact Morgan Chapman

Morgan Chapman

P: 604.966.4264

E: mchapman@thehavlikgroup.com