Access and Circulation Policy

The Archives is governed by an access and circulation policy as directed by the Chiefs and Councils of the member Nations of the Lesser Slave Lake Indian Regional Council. The full policy of the LSLIRC-TARR program can be reviewed in the Archives Orientation Guide for Researchers.

Public Domain Records

Public researchers have access to records in the public domain and records deemed “open”. However, researchers wishing to access these records must first submit a request to the archivist detailing their scope and purpose for research to ensure that records sought fall under these categories.

Private Records – TARR Sponsoring First Nation

Public researchers may only access private records related to individual LSLIRC TARR client First Nations through a Council Resolution (CR) signed by the First Nation whose records they are requesting. The First Nation must provide the Archives with a duly executed Council Resolution (CR), clearly authorizing the researcher to access the records requested.

The LSLIRC TARR cleint First Nations are as follows: Sucker Creek First Nation, Kapawe’no First Nation, Sawridge First Nation, Driftpile Cree Nation,  Swan River First Nation and Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation.

Private Records – Non-TARR Sponsoring First Nation

The Archives also holds records pertaining to First Nations that are not clients of the TARR program. Researchers requesting access to these records will also require a CR from a TARR client First Nation. Depending on the sensitive nature and age of the material, further written permission may need to be acquired from the subject First Nation at the discretion of the TARR archivist.

Oral History Interviews

Public researchers have open access to public domain oral history interviews, in transcript or audio-visual recording.

However, access to private oral history interviews will require a CR from the appropriate First Nation clearly granting the required permission. Access to the oral history interviews will then be governed by the terms, if any, under which those transcripts or recordings were allowed to be made by the subject individuals.

Obtaining a Council Resolution

A Council Resolution is an administrative decision of the Chief and Council. In records requests, the CR grants specific access to private records of a First Nation.

To obtain a Council Resolution (CR), please contact the Archives at The Archivist will draft a CR for the specific records request. The researcher is required to take the CR to a client TARR-program member to be signed. Once the CR is signed, please submit the CR to the Archivist, and the requested records will be pulled accordingly.


A decision by the Archivist may be appealed to the TARR Program Director. Any further appeal must be brought in writing and through a client LSLIRC TARR program member First Nation to a quorum of the LSLIRC TARR program member Chiefs or their representatives for a final decision.